Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What’s not to love on this new series from MundoFOX?

Corazones Blindados on Mundofox is such a riveting new series, it has it's drama,romance,action in just the few episodes i've seen. In some of the first few episodes we have been introduced to so many different characters and all of their stories. We have also gotten to know the main characters Raul Avila (Andres Sandoval) and Diana Ochoa (Majida Issa) and see their stories unfold. 

This series had me at the edge of my seat wanting more. I love how every time i watch the episodes I'm always left wanting more and waiting (impatiently) for the next episode. Let me tell you about the first episode, we see Raul Avila (Andres Sandoval) graduating from the special forces academy in Colombia, he was appointed the lieutenant Coronal. As he is celebrating with friends the,they cut to Diana Ochoa (Majida Issa) in the mist of a heated shoot out in the streets of martires, which is heavy in crime activity. 

Both of the characters have issues of their own, with Raul Witnessing the death of his father and Diana's husband disappearing by the hand of La guerillera. They use their personal struggles to fuel their desire to restore peace and order in Colombia. Flashbacks play a big role in the first few episodes of the show, Most of the action happens in real time. When one of the prisoners makes an escape we know that person is going to play a major role in the whole season. 

Opposites Attract:

What is a show without some sexual tension? We learned that Raul and Diana are to be partners and of course he accidentally insults her which starts them on the wrong foot. You can tell that the tension is just going to bring them together. Even though you can sense that (Diana Ochoa) husband Vincente will be back. So many questions that i need to be answered,  like will Raul capture his father's murder? Will Vicente return? Will Raul and Diana act on their feelings? I can not wait until the next Episode. 

To find out watch Corazones Blindados” on Mundo Fox Monday-Friday at 8pm ET/9pm PT. To find out more about the network and your local channel, visit MundoFox online at

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This is part of a sponsored campaign with and Hispanicize digital and Mundo Fox. However, all opinions expressed are my own.



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