I saw this article on a facebook page group called SOY PLUS SIZE Y ESTOY ORGULLOSA which is a plus size positive site. Once I read the article I was at a lose of words, I couldn't believe that Alejandra Azcarate had written such an article. She is a model, actress, comedian and broadcaster. And has studied journalism and political science, you would think with such a vast background she would have known better. Yes I understand we all have our own opinion and will voice them even if some may not like what we say but on the same coin just get ready for the feedback.
Alejandra Azcarate is not new to the world of journalism she is well educated but in this article some of that may have just gone out the window. I feel that with this article it may have changed the way she will be proceed in the public eyes in the near future.
Once I read the full article I hit Google translate (It was written in Spanish)just in case I read something out of content and to my surprise it was very clear what Alejandra wrote. It was very demeaning statements about being a fat, by making the title state the 7 advantages of being fat, Alejandra takes us through her interpretation which is a multitude of insults hidden not so cleverly in her 7 descriptions, here are just two of them.
You can the read the rest in the link above:
4.Las gordas no generan envidia, así que además de convertirse en grandes amigas producen una confianza que solo es recompensada con lealtad. No sufren el dolor de la traición ni prueban el veneno del engaño
4.The fat does not cause jealousy, so in addition to becoming great friends produce a confidence that only rewarded with loyalty. They do not suffer the pain of betrayal or taste the poison of deception.
5.En el sexo se desinhiben con facilidad. Contrario a sentir complejos por su figura, tienden a ser tan seguras de ellas mismas que se convierten en grandes amantes. Siempre se entregan como si fuera la última vez, porque de hecho saben que podría serlo. No tienen límites, no les preocupa si la luz está prendida o apagada, no las altera ninguna posición, saben con certeza que su fortaleza es generar placer hasta el punto de hacerle olvidar a su pareja la sensación de estar amasando un sofá abullonado
5.In the uninhibited sex with ease. Contrary to feel complex about her figure, tend to be as sure of themselves that become great lovers. Always delivered as if it were the last time, because in fact know they could be. They have no limits, do not care whether the light is on or off, do not alter any position, know with certainty that its strength is causing pleasure to make you forget about your partner the feeling of kneading puffed sofa
Confieso que formo parte de las víctimas de esta sociedad que nos bombardea con esquemas específicos de belleza a través de los cuales la delgadez es un ideal.
I confess that I am part of the victims of this society that bombards us with specific patterns of beauty through which thinness is an ideal.
She states that she is also a victim of society and their idea of beauty, I find this so hard to believe you are not a victim Alejandra when you even make a statement that you rather be skinny because it is better.
With all that, we tell lies, it is better to be skinny. So do not be fooled more. Stop thinking you are big-boned, which retain fluid and slimming black color. They are overweight. take responsibility of it! And that sounds cruel, it is the unvarnished truth. Thyroid eye but not the 'mueloides' and above all not forget that fat one looks cute only when baby.
Con todo y eso, no nos digamos mentiras, es mejor ser flaca. Así que no se engañen más. Dejen de pensar que son de huesos grandes, que retienen líquido y que el color negro adelgaza. Están gordas. ¡Asúmanlo! Y así suene cruel, es la cruda verdad. Ojo no con la tiroides sino con la ‘mueloides’ y sobre todo no olviden que uno gordo se ve lindo solo cuando es bebé.
Some of the translation is lost but the message is very clear and it just disgust me that she decide to go this route even for a joke it was done in very, very bad taste and just nauseating. I can also write awful things about what was said but I wont take that route Alejandra has done enough damage to herself and for what I have read so far her ego is being readjusted. At this time Alejandra Azcarate sounds like a bully with a pen.
At times we may say something that may have been offensive without really giving it much thought on how it will effect anyone. This is when thinking before speaking also applies to writing. Plato said :Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln
Big Girls Rock
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